Archive for ‘ December, 2022 ’

  1. Cultures

    Last day of the year. What will you do today?

    Only one more day left in this year! What are you doing in the last day?In Japan, people prepared to welcome a Deity into their homes from…

  2. Lifestyle

    Learning English is so hard! Are all foreign language learners in pain while studying?

    I write articles for this site in Japanese, translate them into English using DeepL translator, and rewrite the parts not properly translate…

  3. Lifestyle

    Hankscraft’s Aeroglobe is a great hit at the buffet!

    I had an inspiring experience the other day! When wearing poly gloves to prevent infection in a buffet-style restaurant, I could put on them…

  4. Lifestyle

    Today is the last day of work for the year!

    Today is the last day of work for many of us! Government offices are close from December 29 to January 3 by law. Private companies often fol…

  5. Cultures

    Toji: the winter solstice

    The year is divided into 24 periods in Japan. This culture originated in China. Each period lasts almost two weeks, and each has its own nam…

  6. Entertainment

    Manzai: Japanese Standup Comedy

    Manzai is a unique Japanese form of entertainment. It is a performance in which there is only a stand microphone on the stage, and two peopl…

  7. Cultures

    Don’t try to one-up me with New Year’s cards.

    In Japan, people start writing Nengajo in December. Nengajo is New Year's card. It is the same size as a regular postcard, 148 x 100 mm, but…

  8. Lifestyle

    Winter Blooming Cherry Blossoms

    Cherry trees are planted along the river near our company and beautiful flowers can be seen in spring. However, the cherry trees, which are …